I used to hate Winter.

I hated the cold. The deadness. The bitter chill in the air. The shorter days. The longer nights.

I hated the loneliness. The quiet streets. The icy roads. The frost on my window.

I hated walking outside. I hated wearing boots and gloves. I hated the way my mood would change, like an emotional hibernation.

I hated everything about Winter.

I told myself I couldn’t tolerate it. The dark days, freezing temperatures and naked trees were too much for me.

I fully expected to feel the same way this year, waiting for Winter to take me under.

But, it didn’t happen. Not this time. November came and went, and then December, and January…and I felt fine.

Single snowflake
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

This Winter is different. 

The dark days kept me inside, but I got more rest.

I missed the sunshine, so I created my own. (This is not a metaphor. I bought a Happy Light.)

This Winter, I didn’t fight the elements; I learned to work with them.

I’ve spent most of this Winter doing creative projects, getting more sleep, and spending quality time with my family and pets.

Winter is an introverted season and I’ve embraced it. It’s been good for me. 

The time spent indoors with myself, my creative endeavors and my loved ones has been a healing time.

I don’t miss Summer anymore. I don’t long for it like I used to do. 

This season, I welcomed Winter. I befriended it. I made it my own.

It’s the beginning of February now, and Punxsutawney Phil has predicted an early spring. Spring will come in its time, and I will fully embrace it when it does. 

For now, let me have my Winter. Let me have my rest.

After all, seasons change for a reason.

Pine trees covered in snow against clear blue sky
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

3 Replies to “A Welcome Winter”

  1. So glad you feel better about Winter and that youve been getting lotsa rest.Spring time is almost here.But till then enjoy your new friend winter.

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